My name is Marcela Dias. I am a woman, I am an artist, I am an actress. I was born and raised in Brazil. And I am an actress because I could not be anything else. And believe me, I tried. I was a graphic designer, a 3D modeler, a bilingual receptionist, an illustrator and I even tried becoming a public employee back in Brazil. But I go crazy and I get depressed when I am not working with performance and music on stage. I still do other stuff now and then, and in between being on stage, because capitalism is a b*tch and money is important to secure social safety and therefore mental health.
In the past five years I have been a working actress living in Berlin and I have been doing mostly plays for children and youth and performing in an improv comedy variety show to let my demons out, experiment, have fun and challenge myself to speak German on stage. Currently, I am developing a biographical theater piece based on my experiences as an immigrant in Germany and the change of status in society that that move has brought to my life.
The older I get, the more I wish to invest in creating or participating in theater pieces that deal with the reality of the world we live in.
I grew up very privileged and unaware of the world around me and I am still figuring out what it is I truly believe in and wish to fight for. My mind has been changed so many times that I feel I will never cease to learn and question what my thoughts and opinions are. I wish to keep this questioning and curiosity in my exchange with my audiences. I wish to bring them with me in this never ending thinking process of questioning everything around us and inside ourselves too.
May I remain forever curious and open to change. Again and again.